Sunday 22 January 2012

Gum in the 70's

Gum in the 70's

Throughout my early childhood, it seemed like all gum was pretty boring - Juicy Fruit, Chicklets, Big Red, etc. Don't get me started on the chalk flavored cardboard in baseball card packs. Then, along came these big ads in the back of comic books for "cool" gum brands like Hubba Bubba and Big League Chew. Gum was transformed from the lame old crap your grandma handed you, to awesomeness of epic proportions.

Hubba Bubba was cool because it didn't stick to your face when you popped a massive bubble. Remember the Old West gunfighter commercials?

Big League Chew kicked ass. It had a pouch like it was chewing tobacco (which, like the candy cigarette, was especially cool), and the ads featured cleverly drawn athletes, perfectly suited for the elementary school boy market.

Fruit Stripes were a personal favorite. The sudden rush of flavor was like a hypodermic needle of concentrated & flavored high fructose corn syrup applied directly to the sweet tooth. Unfortunately, like heroine, the "high" was shortlived. I think the flavor lasted a total of five minutes.

Bubble Yum and Bubblicious both had strong original flavors, and their flavor somehow made it to the ten minute mark. Guaranteed to make your pearly whites yellow and cavity laden within days.

Freshen Up - A squirt of God-knows-what on your first

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